Friday, March 29, 2013

1.8 - Graduation Present

Today was graduation which meant Cole left day after tomorrow.  Seeing as most of her day would be stolen by the award ceremony, Summer decided to do some chores, set up her studio, redecorate, and get started on some artwork because she spent the last few days crying and sleeping.

First up was laundry.The washing was easy, but drying was a pain. She had no room or money for an electric dryer so she had to resort to a clothes line in her backyard. Plus, it was fall so it rained a lot. How are you supposed to dry clothes if there is no dryer and it's raining?
Next, she went to set up her new studio. She only had a few simoleans left so in order to buy all the nescessities, she sold off all the items in the spare bedroom and the coffee maker. The final product was totally worth it though. Now she had a new easel, a sculpting set, a sketch book and a new street-art kit!
First thing Summer wanted to try was sculpting.
It wasn't exactly easy and it took a lot of time.
But she was proud of the final project, even if  'the man' though it was only worth 13 simoleans.
Before continuing her chores, Summer put a little time into her painting as well.

The rain had died down a bit so Summer decided now would be a great time to rake the leaves in the backyard.
The actual raking wasn't any fun, but getting to play in the pile totally was. The rain did kill the mood a bit and Summer was in need of a shower.
Freshly clean, Summer tested out her other new toys. 

The sketch book was a lot of fun. It was quick and easy and she could take it anywhere!
She could also do street art anywhere. She didn't have much skill now but soon she hoped she could hang out downtown and get tips for her artwork.
After a hard day of chores and artwork, it was time for graduation.
The ceremony dragged on and all some received were some tacky clothes and an award that read 'Most likely to become a millionaire.'  Ya. That wasn't happening soon. She didn't even have enough money to make waffles!
One good thing did come from graduation though.

"Cole!" She ran up to him and gave him a big hug. "I've missed you! Please tell me you are coming over tomorrow."
"Yeah I am, but I can't stay long the next morning. I have to check in with the sergeant and then head off to base." 

"Oh. Well you should come over early then. I can try and make breakfast and then..."
Cole uninterrupted her, "I can't, Summer I have stuff to do."

Summer frowned but put the blow behind her. "Alright.." She tried to make conversation but Cole wasn't even listening. Eventually he claimed he had to go because of some midnight boot camp.

Summer knew he was lying but she had no choice. She headed home and as soon as she stepped onto the property, she wished she hadn't.
Tucked inside the baby blanket was a note. 

Dear Summer,
His name is Manu. I can't keep him. I would be ruined if people found out I had a baby with a married man. Oh, and I thought I should let you know, he is a genie. Don't let anyone find out i'm his mother. If you can't keep him send him to an agency but don't let them know who his parents are. Thank you ever so much,
Your dear sister,
Wendy Rain
The pink larva cried and screamed. Summer would love to do the same right about now. She just graduated and now she had a baby? This guy couldn't be more than a day old. How in the world was she going to support a baby if she can't even afford to feed herself proper food?

He needed a place to sleep so she sold off her dresser and bought a very cheap crib.
After putting Manu to bed, Summer calmly strolled into her studio and proceeded to freak the hell out.


  1. Oh poor Summer, and how selfish of her sister to dump her child on Summer like that!

    1. It is very selfish! But hey, Wendy has to keep her reputation up right? Besides, Manu grows up really cute but with a very odd mutation so I'm happy to keep him.

  2. Oh dear :| Wendy seems like a piece of work!
    Feel bad for Summer, her boyfriend will abandon her, and her sister dumps an illegitamate child on her :| She's got a rough road ahead!

    1. She still has to shove 3 more kids into the tiny house...So it will be a very long, rough road.

  3. Summer needs to realize Cole is no good for her and just walk away. Easier said than done when you're caught up in all the feelings, though.

    Wendy's a piece of work, too. Just...poor Summer. That about covers it.

    And grr, now I have to change a minor plot element of one of my upcoming entries so it doesn't look like I'm ripping you off. :p

  4. Wow! Single parent roll, 4 kids, and no strangers for Gen 1, that ought to be fun! lol At least the painting career can make them decent money, and she doesn't have to leave the kidlets alone. I love the street art skill, my sim Monty has been spraying the town red, lol :P

    I like Summer, she is plucky! She just keeps trudging along. Though I think she is well rid of Cole! She deserves somebody better than him!

  5. Wow...what a rough life for your founder to have. Terrible family, terrible boyfriend...and now a baby that isn't even hers. At least she somehow manages to stay positive!

  6. Ok, this must've been where I meant to comment before. Heh, so Wendy WAS preggers. And how typical of her, after thinking of herself so perfect and her sister as the fuckup, she dumps her own mistake on Summer. Pft.

  7. Oh, Wendy! That girl is a slave to her self-image.
    Dumping her baby on Summer is just a crap ass shitty thing to do. But I think the baby will be happier with Summer, anyway.

    Cole is turning out to be a real disappointment for Summer.

  8. Agh! Wendy! WENDY! She's a really unlikable person. >:C I do like the bright pink baby, though.
